Biden’s website traffic in months before election hinted at gains on Trump

Laura Lippay
Nov 7, 2020

Trends in how people visited Trump’s & Biden’s primary websites ( and in months leading up to election seem to align with what has been panning out in the vote count — some slight hints in Biden’s favor.

The traffic trends could be for a variety of things — the candidates in the news, the debates, campaign traffic, etc. Regardless, the site traffic trends just in recent months have shown people were finally showing interest in Biden.

1. Biden’s donation page has steep traffic spike, surpassing Trump’s in August

Back in July, visits to Biden’s donation site surpassed Trump’s. Traffic to Biden’s donation site (as well as Trump’s) dropped in September but that was a record-breaking fundraising month for Biden, suggesting donation amounts to Biden were higher. (source: Similarweb)

Traffic to Biden’s actblue donation page surpasses traffic to Trump’s winred donation page in August & sustains in September

2. More people on Trump’s site visit Biden’s, than the other way around

In September, 3% of people on the Biden site also went to the Trump site. 5% of people on the Trump site went to Biden’s. Again, ahead just a tiny margin. (source: Similarweb)

25% of Biden site visitors visit NYT, 21% ActBlue, 3% Trump. 27% of Trump site visitors visit Winred, 16% Fox News, 5% Biden

3. The increase in visitors to Biden’s site is substantially higher than Biden’s.

Trump’s site* has had roughly 2–5x more traffic from July to October, however Biden’s site* had a 138% increase in eyeballs (traffic) while Trump saw a 5% increase. (source: Similarweb)

* Trump’s site includes vote subdomain, Biden’s site does not (vote traffic for Biden was largely driven to a different domain not included in these numbers).



Laura Lippay

A veteran tech nerd who identifies as an artist. Curious, by both definitions.